Szűrési feltételek

Mindent töröl

  • Belt shape
  • Belt tooth surface
  • Belt material
  • Belt-shaped
    • Nominal width W (mm)(mm)
    • Gyártó

    Toothed Belts / Timing Belts (Belt-shaped: 5M)

    At MISUMI, you will find highly configurable timing belts in many geometric designs that can be individually adapted to your needs. Use our configurator to pre-select your individual toothed belt. Do you need help? We have for you useful tutorials on how to use our configurator.

    In the MISUMI online shop, you will find a variety of synchronous belts in different profile shapes. The timing belts are available in neoprene (rubber) and PU (polyurethane) and can be selected with a tension cord made of glass fibre, aramid fibre (Kevlar), stainless steel, carbon fibre or steel. The timing belts (or synchronous belts) can be selected in metric widths from 1 mm to 380 mm and in inch widths from 0.125 to 6 inch. The belt profile is available in metric increments of T5, T10, AT5, AT10, AT20, S2M, S3M, S4.5M, S5M, S8M, S14M, MTS8M, HTD 5M, HTD 8M, HTD 14M, 8MGT CB, 14MGT CB, EV5GT, EV8YU, EV14M, 1.5GT, 2GT, 3GT, 5GT, 8YU, MA3, MA5, MA8, P2M, P3M, P5M, P8M, UP5M, UP8M, T20, DH, 3M, 5M and 8M and in inch profiles of MXL, XL, XH, XXH, L and H.

    The wide selection of different profiles offers a maintenance-friendly and reliable force and power transmission for almost all applications. MISUMI's industrial timing belts are used for the operation of a machine or application, up to precise positioning without backlash and material flow.

    MISUMI offers you various helpful tools that can significantly shorten and simplify the design process.
    Here are some of the useful tools: 





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