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Szűrési feltételek

Mindent töröl

  • Type
  • Types of detection
  • Detection light type
  • Detection distance [classification](mm)

    * ~20 represents over 10, and 20 or less.

  • Gyártó
  • CAD

Lens for Sensor (for Photoelectric Sensors and Fiber Sensors) (Detection light type: Small Spots)

    • Reflective Small Spot Lens Unit for Fiber Unit


        Reflective Small Spot Lens Unit for Fiber Unit

        [Features] Lens for fibre optic unit. Lens units such as far reflection, heat resistant and variable spot are available.
        További részletek
        TypeDetection TargetsTypes of detectionOptical axis arrangement typeDetection light typeHead shapeHead materialAmplifier accessory typeDetection distance [classification](mm)
        Lens of sensorReflectionSmall SpotsUp to 10 / Up to 20
        Normál ár (ÁFA nélkül):
        140.60 €
        Normál feladási dátum:
        6 munkanapok