  • Capacity (Soft Resin) φ(mm)
  • Capacity (Hard Resin) φ(mm)
  • Materials
  • Applicable
  • Type
    • Becsült szállítási napok
      • Minden
      • 5 munkanapok belül

    Air Nipper Blades (N30AL525)




      AJ/RAJ/AJB Straight Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      This is a vertical set of blades with an unbeveled cutting edge. You can apply it at a right angle to the gate.
      RAJ/This is a reverse bevel of AJ type.
      AJB/ This has a brazed carbide tip, suitable for cutting hard plastic or plastic containing glass fiber.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingL
      NY03AJ2174.510.534817Special alloy steelGT-NY03G (-4)
      NY03RAJ2174.510.534817Special alloy steelGT-NY03GR (-4)
      NY05AJ227510.545322Special alloy steelGT-NY05 (-4)/ NF05
      NY05RAJ227510.545322Special alloy steelGT-NY05R (-4)/ NF05
      NY05AJB227510.545322Sintered AlloyGT-NY05 (-4)/ NF05
      NY10AJ247.251265728Special alloy steelGT-NY10 (-4)/ NY10G (-4)/ NF10 / NY10S
      NY10RAJ247.251265728Special alloy steelGT-NY10R (-4)/ NY10GR (-4)/ NF10 / NY10S
      NY10AJB247.251265728Sintered AlloyGT-NY10 (-4)/ NY10G (-4)/ NF10 / NY10S
      NY15AJ278.25.51386541Special alloy steelGT-NY15 (-4)/ NF15
      NY15RAJ278.25.51386541Special alloy steelGT-NY15R (-4)/ NF15
      NY15AJB278.25.51386541Sintered AlloyGT-NY15 (-4)/ NF15
      NY25AJ311061697765Special alloy steelGT-NY25 (-6)/ NY25S
      NY25RAJ311061697765Special alloy steelGT-NY25R (-6)/ NY25S
      NY25AJB311061697765Sintered AlloyGT-NY25 (-6)/ NY25S

      AJL Straight Long Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      AJL/This is a long type set of straight blades. This is useful when there is distance between the nippers and the gate cut portion of the workpiece.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingL
      NY03AJL2774.510.545421Special alloy steelGT-NY03G (-4)
      NY05AJL317510.55.56229Special alloy steelGT-NY05 (-4)/ NF05
      NY10AJL337.251286637Special alloy steelGT-NY10 (-4)/ NY10G (-4)/ NF10 / NY10S
      NY15AJL388.25.513117650Special alloy steelGT-NY15 (-4)/ NF15
      NY25AJL4610616139288Special alloy steelGT-NY25 (-6)/ NY25S

      AJT Thin, Straight Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      AJT/This is a set of straight blades with a thin cutting edge.
      It can cleanly trim cross sections without remnants.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingL
      NY03AJT2172.510.534817Special alloy steelGT-NY03G (-4)
      NY05AJT227310.545321Special alloy steelGT-NY05 (-4)/ NF05
      NY10AJT247.231265726Special alloy steelGT-NY10 (-4)/ NY10G (-4)/ NF10 / NY10S
      NY15AJT278.23.51386538Special alloy steelGT-NY15 (-4)/ NF15

      AD Lift Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      This is used for batch processing of the three-dimensional gate such as ride gate.


      Model No.Size (mm)d1 (mm)d2 (mm)e:Blade openingL (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      NY10AD26.57.26x132.54.2659.531Special alloy steelGT-NY10 (-4)/ NY10G (-4)/ NF10 / NY10S
      NY15AD308.27x1434.786845Special alloy steelGT-NY15 (-4)/ NF15
      NY25AD35108x174698175Special alloy steelGT-NY25 (-6)/ NY25S

      AH/RAH Crank Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      AH/This is a set of blades with a clamped cutting edge for plastic. It is effective when there are obstructions or the gate is narrow
      RAH/This is a reverse bevel of AH type used when installing the main units face-to-face.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingL
      NY05AH3119510.55.56237Special alloy steelGT-NY05 (-4)/ NF05
      NY05RAH3012510.556131Special alloy steelGT-NY05R (-4)/ NF05
      NY10AH332051286643Special alloy steelGT-NY10 (-4)/ NY10G (-4)/ NF10 / NY10S
      NY10RAH3212.251276536Special alloy steelGT-NY10R (-4)/ NY10GR (-4)/ NF10 / NY10S
      NY15AH3821.55.513117663Special alloy steelGT-NY15 (-4)/ NF15
      NY15RAH3513.25.51397352Special alloy steelGT-NY15R (-4)/ NF15
      NY25AH46246171392110Special alloy steelGT-NY25 (-6)/ NY25S
      NY25RAH4216616128889Special alloy steelGT-NY25R (-6)/ NY25S

      NK10AJ Thrust-Cut Air Nipper Blades

      Product Information

      This is a dedicated set of blades for GT-NK10. Suitable for processing of film gates attached to robot hands.


      Model No.Size (mm)ShapeO.A.L. (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      NK10AJSee DrawingFor metal cutting (Knife type)9596Special alloy steelGT-NK10

      NM Blades

      Product Information

      ・Ideal for around-the-clock operations
      ・Semi-permanent magnetic force
      ・Compatible with our standard nipper bodies
      NM blades eliminate trouble caused by Spring breakage.
      Compliant with your VESSEL current air nippers.
      Spring replacement is no longer required as the neodymium magnet works semi-permanently.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight
      Applicable models
      abc (°)def × g
      NM20AJ3512 18.011.0 116GT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      NM20AP35121516.011.0 124GT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      NM20AE2812 12.08.010× 15.5129GT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      NM30AJ5217 28.011.0 360GT-NS30 / N30 / NR30
      NM30AP66171538.016.0 380GT-NS30 / N30 / NR30
      NM30AE4517 17.012.013× 28358GT-NS30 / N30 / NR30

      AP For Plastic

      Product Information

      AP/This is a standard set of blades used to cut plastic. A broad, gentle curve is provided in the cross section for gate processing where the cut end must not be left. (The cutting edge is curved.)


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingfL
      N3AP2471511.5410.56435Special alloy steelGT-NS3 / N3 / NR3
      N5AP2471511.5410.56440Special alloy steelGT-NS5 / N5 / NR5
      N7AP2793011.5414.58180Special alloy steelGT-NS7 / N7 / NR7
      N10AP2793011.5514.59185Special alloy steelGT-N10
      N10LAP3512151651589120Special alloy steelGT-NS10L / NR10L
      N12AP35121516515105135Special alloy steelGT-N12
      N20AP35121516111595125Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      N30AP661715381624150380Special alloy steelGT-NS30 / N30 / NR30

      AE Nipping Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      AE/Used for processing plastic gates such as ride gates and discard gates.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abfxgd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingL
      N3AE2076x1173.56035Special alloy steelGT-NS3 / N3 / NR3
      N5AE2076x6.673.56040Special alloy steelGT-NS5 / N5 / NR5
      N7AE2698x14.8948085Special alloy steelGT-NS7 / N7 / NR7
      N20AE281210x15.512888135Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      N30AE451713x281712129395Special alloy steelGT-NS30 / N30 / NR30

      AJ Thin, Straight Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      AJ/This is a set of vertical blades with an unbeveled cutting edge for plastic. You can apply it at a right angle to the gate.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingL
      NW10AJ30  145 76Special alloy steelGT-NWR10 / NWS10
      N20AJ35128181195125Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      N20AJB35128181195125Sintered AlloyGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      NW20AJ40  21.58 142Special alloy steelGT-NWR20 / NWS20
      N30AJ521782811136370Special alloy steelGT-NS30 / N30 / NR30
      NW30AJ55  29.58 368Special alloy steelGT-NWR30

      AJL Quasi-Standard Products / Straight Long Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      AJL/This is a long type set of straight blades. This is suitable when there is distance between the nippers and the gate cut portion of the workpiece. N30AJL163 is useful for wide gate processing.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingL
      ※ N10LAJ141611273410115165Special alloy steelGT-NS10L / NR10L
      N20AJL651272016125230Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      ※ N20AB39611273614121185Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      ※ N30AJ163651774117.5149355Special alloy steelGT-NS30 / N30 / NR30
      N30AJL751782519159470Special alloy steelGT-NS30 / N30 / NR30
      Blade with a mark ※ is a quasi-standard.

      PF Flat Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      PF/This is a set of blades for cutting the cut end flat for plastic. A large R is provided in the cross section for gate processing where the cut end must not be left.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abc (°)d:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingfL
      N7PF2794010.54178180Special alloy steelGT-NS7 / N7 / NR7
      N10LPF35124013.552189120Special alloy steelGT-NS10L / NR10L
      N20PF35124013.5112195130Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      N30PF581730251533142390Special alloy steelGT-NS30 / N30 / NR30

      AH Quasi-Standard Products / Crank Blades for Plastic

      Product Information

      AH/This is a set of blades with a crank cutting edge for plastic. It is effective when there are obstructions or the gate is narrow.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingL: OAL
      N20AH603172316120240Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20

      AMR/AM Quasi-Standard Products / Laterally Facing Blades for Plastics

      Product Information

      AMR/AML This is a set of blades for plastic where the ML cutting edge is bent 90 degrees. It is useful when restricted to confined spaces hard for the nipper to get into.


      Model No.Size (mm)Weight (g)MaterialApplicable models
      abcd:Effective Lengthe:Blade openingfL: OAL
      N20AML149855558269.541115270Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20
      N20AMR149955558269.541115270Special alloy steelGT-NS20 / N20 / NR20


      Elemek száma

      Cutting Capacity (ABS Resin)


      Capacity (Soft Resin) φ


      Capacity (Hard Resin) φ




      Minimális rendelési mennyiség
      Special alloy steel
      1 darab
      Egységár (HÉA nélkül)(egységár adóval)
      Normál feladási dátum
      470.13 €
      ( 559.45 € )
      5 munkanapok

      Részletes információk

      Alapvető információk

      High precision gate cutting blades

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