Adds a Safety CPU Unit and Safety I/O Unit to an EtherCAT coupler to enable unified safety control
■ Features
· EN ISO 13849-1 (PLe / Safety Category 4), IEC 61508 (SIL3) certified
· Incorporating the Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE)* protocol enables both standard control and safety control on the same EtherCAT
· There are 2 types of Safety Input Unit: a 4-point type and an 8-point type, and 2 types of Safety Output Unit, a 2-point type and a 4-point type
· Safety units can be freely combined and placed with standard units
*The open protocol Safety over EtherCAT (abbreviated as FSoE; "FailSafe over EtherCAT") defines a
safety-related communication layer for EtherCAT.
Complies with the requirements of IEC 61508 (SIL3), enabling communication of safety data and standard data on the same communication system without
communication speed or cycle time restrictions.