Stainless Steel-Toggle clamps, operating lever vertical, lock mechanism, wi (Part Numbers)

Stainless Steel-Toggle clamps, operating lever vertical, lock mechanism, wi
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・Type: CL. U-bar version. with two flanged washers and clamping screw GN 708.1, ULC. Clamping arm extended. with slotted hole. two flanged washers and clamping screw GN 708.1, AL. U-bar version. with two flanged washers, EL. Solid clamping bar with clasp for welding, UL. Clamping arm extended. with slotted hole and with two flanged washers
・Material: NI. Stainless Steel
・Size: 130, 230
・h1: 142, 168

Toggle clamps GN 810.3 are latched in both end positions. In the clamped position, this prevents unintentional opening or opening caused by vibrations; and in the open position, it prevents self-closing of the toggle clamp, such as due to an extended clamping arm. The latching can be disabled with a single hand to allow for opening / closing. They work according to the toggle principle: lever and clamping bar move in the same direction. In the clamped position the operating lever is in its vertical position. Toggle clamps with forked clamping arm, with two flanged washers (type AL) can accommodate an application specific clamping screw. A clamping screw with neoprene rubber tip is also included for type CL. Type EL version can either be utilized by welding the clasp which can then accommodate an application specific hold-down fastener component, or by utilizing the bar in conjunction with the GN 809 holders for clamping screws to hold the work piece in place.

Part Number

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Part Number
Part Number
Standard Unit Price
Minimum order quantityVolume Discount
Shipping Days
Size Type a h1 l1 h2 r l1_2 h3 l3 h5 b3 s1 FH m3 d1 m2 m1 d2 l4 l2 h4 Weight
b1 w s2 b2 m4

93.26 €

1 Available 7 Days 130AL. U-bar version. with two flanged washers28142852879.5-16--6.22.51050. 105027M 61912.55.5-42-268.035--4229

96.00 €

1 Available 7 Days 130CL. U-bar version. with two flanged washers and clamping screw GN 708.128142852879.5-16- 105027M 61912.55.5554225.5284.03517.5-4229

95.96 €

1 Available 7 Days 130EL. Solid clamping bar with clasp for welding-142-2879.5861654--2.51050. 105027M 61912.55.5---271.035-54229

107.46 €

1 Available 7 Days 230AL. U-bar version. with two flanged washers40168110.533.5104-18--8.532000. 200032M 821186.5-58-444.043--4532

111.54 €

1 Available 7 Days 230CL. U-bar version. with two flanged washers and clamping screw GN 708.140168110.533.5104-18-9.58.532000. 200032M 821186.5685830478.04320-4532

107.60 €

1 Available 7 Days 230EL. Solid clamping bar with clasp for welding-168-33.51041121873--32000. 200032M 821186.5---454.043-64532


  1. 1

Basic information

RoHS Ja Material NI. Stainless Steel

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